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TFT Set 10 Headliner Tier List

TFT Headliners

TFT Set 10 is bringing back the Chosen units, but they are now known as Headliners this time around. Comps are much more flexible because of these characters. However, some can help you easily win games. This guide will help players find the best Headliners to field in their grind.

How Headliners Are Rated

This tier list rates Headliners depending on their win rate, how unique their bonus is, and how easy it is to play them. These ratings do not reflect their strength but rather their ease of use.

Headliner Tier List


S-Tiers are considered the best because they can easily carry the team by existing. They only need a minor optimization to perform well; their bonus abilities help them excel even further.


  • Headliner Ability: 10% bonus Critical Strike Chance and ability critical strikes.
  • Winrate: 4%
  • Explanation: Lucian's ability to gain a bonus Critical Strike Chance and make his abilities have critical strikes significantly boosts his damage potential, making him an intense damage dealer in various team compositions. His adaptability and potential to scale well into the late game contribute to his S-tier status.


  • Headliner Ability: Improved damage output and explosiveness in combat.
  • Winrate:8%
  • Explanation: Ziggs benefits from increased damage output and explosive capabilities in battles, allowing him to deal substantial damage to enemy units. His ability to impact fights significantly and control areas with his explosives makes him a powerful force on the battlefield, hence his high win rate.


  • Headliner Ability: Enhanced domination in battles with bolstered traits.
  • Winrate:3%
  • Explanation: Illaoi's increased dominance in battles, empowered by augmented traits, allows her to control fights and turn them in her favor. Her ability to dictate the flow of combat and impose her presence contributes to her high success rate.


  • Headliner Ability: Enhanced traits, boosting her adaptability and effectiveness in combat.
  • Winrate:7%
  • Explanation: Qiyana's headliner effect further enhances her flexibility and adaptability, enabling her to handle different situations easily. Her increased effectiveness in combat scenarios makes her a versatile and valuable addition to teams, resulting in a notable win rate.


  • Headliner Ability: Increased support potential, enhancing allies' performance.
  • Winrate:6%
  • Explanation: Bard's ability to amplify his support potential benefits the entire team. His increased effectiveness in bolstering allies' performance elevates the overall strength of compositions, leading to more favorable outcomes and contributing to his S-tier status.

Miss Fortune

  • Headliner Ability: Amplified devastating potential and improved traits.
  • Winrate:1%
  • Explanation: Miss Fortune's impressive damage output is further heightened by her headliner effect, making her even more devastating in battles. Her ability to swiftly eliminate enemy units, supported by her improved traits, solidifies her position in the S tier.


  • Headliner Ability: Enhanced summoning and control of minions, bolstering traits.
  • Winrate:5%
  • Explanation: Yorick's increased effectiveness in summoning and managing minions, supported by improved traits, allows him to exert intense pressure on opponents. His ability to overwhelm enemies with summoned creatures contributes significantly to his success rate.


  • Headliner Ability: Augmented damage output and improved traits for superior carrying potential.
  • Winrate:2%
  • Explanation: Jhin's ability to escalate his damage output and overall effectiveness with enhanced traits makes him a formidable carry option. His capacity to deal massive damage and carry teams through fights solidifies his place in the S tier.


  • Headliner Ability: Enhanced support capabilities, offering increased utility to the team.
  • Winrate: 27.0%
  • Sona's amplified support capabilities provide crucial utility to the team, significantly enhancing their performance. Her increased effectiveness in aiding allies' battle performance contributes to her high win rate.


  • Headliner Ability: Versatility and rewards boosted by enhanced traits.
  • Winrate: 26.7%
  • Explanation: Kayn's headliner effect further boosts his adaptability and rewards, making him a versatile and impactful unit. His improved traits and overall effectiveness contribute to his standing as an S-tier headliner.


  • Headliner Ability: Kai'Sa gains a substantial 10% bonus Attack Damage and 10% bonus Critical Strike Chance.
  • Winrate:4%
  • Explanation: Kai'Sa's exceptional scaling with Attack Damage and Critical Strike Chance enables her to become a formidable damage dealer. Her versatility in fitting into multiple compositions while consistently dealing significant damage throughout a match solidifies her status as a Tier headliner.


  • Headliner Ability: Kennen receives 10 AP, 20 Armor, and 20 Magic Resist, empowering his survivability and damage output. His Spirit Tentacles strike at a faster rate.
  • Winrate:4%
  • Explanation: Kennen's improved durability and augmented damage potential from the enhanced Spirit Tentacle strikes make him a consistent source of AoE damage and disruption in team fights. His resilience and sustained damage contribute significantly to victories.


  • Headliner Ability: Lillia gains 150 bonus Health and increases her healing effectiveness by 20%.
  • Winrate:1%
  • Explanation: Lillia's bolstered survivability and enhanced healing amplify her role as a persistent disruptor and damage dealer. Her increased recovery makes her last longer as a tank, which buys enough time for her carries to clean out the enemy team.


  • Headliner Ability: Thresh receives an additional 100 Health and decreases his maximum mana by 25.
  • Winrate:1%
  • Explanation: Thresh's augmented health pool and adjusted mana management increase survivability while maintaining his ability to control positioning. He can quickly shut down backline carries with his skill since he can use it more often.


  • Headliner Ability: Katarina gains an impressive 20% bonus Ability Power.
  • Winrate:7%
  • Explanation: Katarina's augmented Ability Power significantly enhances her burst potential, allowing her to eliminate priority targets swiftly. Her ability to consistently deal severe damage in critical moments of a fight makes her an excellent headliner.

A Tier

These units have vital stats and bonus abilities from their Headliner status. They can fit with many comps or significantly boost the synergy of their chosen traits. 


  • Headliner Ability: He can deal an extra 200% magic damage to all enemies every 5th attack.
  • Winrate: 5%
  • Explanation: Ekko's ability to dish out substantial magic damage at intervals significantly contributes to team fights, making him a potent battle disruptor. His consistent damage output often secures fights.


  • Headliner Ability: Adds an extra 60% damage bolt with each attack.
  • Winrate: Around 22.1%
  • Explanation: Caitlyn's bonus damage bolts enhance her overall damage output, especially during prolonged engagements. This increased damage potential proves vital in securing eliminations.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains a 25% bonus to Ability Power.
  • Winrate: 0%
  • Explanation: Vex's increased Ability Power amplifies her magic-based abilities, making her a significant battle threat. This enhancement empowers her to deal substantial damage.


  • Headliner Ability: Reduces her max mana by 10.
  • Winrate: Around 21.9%
  • Explanation: Lulu's reduced mana allows for quicker spellcasting, enabling her to provide consistent support and crowd control, contributing significantly to team survivability.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains 200 bonus Health and grants 20 mana to the ally she cosplays.
  • Winrate: 8%
  • Explanation: Neeko's increased health pool enhances her survivability, while her ability to grant mana to a cosplayed ally boosts their utility and effectiveness in battles.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains an additional 200 bonus Health and extra Magic Resist when attacked.
  • Winrate: Around 21.6%
  • Explanation: Amumu's increased survivability, coupled with bonus Magic Resist, allows him to sustain longer in fights, often disrupting enemy compositions.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains 150 bonus Health and deals magic damage equal to 2% of his maximum health with his slams.
  • Winrate: 3%
  • Explanation: Zac's bonus health and additional magic damage output from his ability significantly bolster his tanking potential and damage contribution.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains an additional 200 bonus Health and deals additional magic damage with his passive zaps.
  • Winrate: Around 20.8%
  • Explanation: Blitzcrank's increased health and magic damage further strengthen his role as a disruptive force, picking off enemy units and contributing to elimination.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains an additional 100 bonus Health, and Shadows gain bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed.
  • Winrate: 8%
  • Explanation: Zed's bonus health, coupled with the empowered Shadows, makes him a more formidable threat, amplifying his damage potential in combat.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains a 20% bonus to Ability Power.
  • Winrate: Around 20.7%
  • Explanation: Nami's increased Ability Power amplifies the effectiveness of her abilities, especially her healing and crowd control, making her a crucial support unit in battles.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains a 15% bonus to Attack Damage.
  • Winrate: Approximately 20.5%
  • Explanation: Ezreal's increased Attack Damage boosts his overall damage output, especially with his skill set. This added damage potency makes him a consistent damage dealer throughout matches.

Akali True-DMG

  • Headliner Ability: Gains a 100 bonus Health and a 10% bonus to Attack Speed.
  • Winrate: Around 20.2%
  • Explanation: Akali's bonus health enhances her survivability, allowing her to stay longer in fights. Coupled with the increased Attack Speed, she becomes a persistent threat, dealing sustained damage.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains 250 bonus Health. Gains an extra 50 permanent max Health after dropping below 15% or dying.
  • Winrate: Approximately 20.1%
  • Explanation: Sett's bonus health and the potential to gain more max health significantly improve his durability, turning him into a formidable frontline tank capable of surviving longer in battles.


  • Headliner Ability: Gains 100 bonus Health, 10 bonus Armor, and 10 bonus Magic Resist.
  • Winrate: Around 19.9%
  • Explanation: Urgot's bonus health, armor, and magic resist make him a more resilient frontline, increasing his survivability and ability to withstand incoming damage.

Twisted Fate

  • Headliner Ability: Throws 3 additional cards.
  • Winrate: Approximately 19.4%
  • Explanation: Twisted Fate's extra card throws enhance his utility in battles, offering more crowd control potential and dealing additional damage, making him a versatile asset in various team compositions.


B-Tier Headliners are okay regarding abilities and stats but tend to fall off as the game progresses. They are good early-game carries but can outperform other tiers in optimized conditions.


  • Headliner Ability: 10% bonus Attack Damage and 10% bonus Critical Strike Chance.
  • Winrate:3%
  • Explanation: Samira's increased Attack Damage and Critical Strike Chance enhance her damage potential, but she might need more synergies or specific items to maximize her effectiveness.


  • Headliner Ability: 200 bonus Health, 15 bonus Armor, and Magic Resist.
  • Winrate:8%
  • Explanation: Pantheon's increased health and defensive stats make him a durable frontline unit. However, he tends to fall during the match's latter stages unless his traits are maximized.


  • Headliner Ability: 200 bonus Health and, at combat start, transforms into Mega Gnar.
  • Winrate:6%
  • Explanation: Gnar's extra health and transformation ability provide him with increased survivability. However, his lack of damage makes him a low-impact unit at later stages.


  • Headliner Ability: 150 bonus Health and 20% bonus Ability Power.
  • Winrate:8%
  • Explanation: Evelynn's augmented health and Ability Power boost her spell damage potential, but she only gives enough damage if her K/DA trait is optimized.


  • Headliner Ability: 200 bonus Health and 15% bonus Attack Damage.
  • Winrate:7%
  • Explanation: Yone gains extra health and attack damage, making him a more durable and potent damage dealer. However, other units of his shared traits are more efficient to level up and more effective as early game carries.


  • Headliner Ability: 100 bonus Health and 10% bonus Attack Damage.
  • Winrate:7%
  • Explanation: Viego's bonus health and attack damage provide decent sustainability and damage potential. However, getting a headliner Viego is due to being a 4-cost.


  • Headliner Ability: 10% bonus Ability Power, and each Subwoofer pulse grows slightly more prominent.
  • Winrate:5%
  • Explanation: Senna's increased Ability Power enhances her Subwoofer ability, but she might need complementary synergies or specific items to excel.


  • Headliner Ability: 200 Health, 5% bonus Ability Power. When he solo kills, he gains 1% permanent Ability Power.
  • Winrate:4%
  • Explanation: Mordekaiser's bonus health and ability power scaling after solo kills makes him a sustainable and scaling unit. However, he still needs to rely on a backline carry to clean up anything he leaves behind.


  • Headliner Ability: Reduce damage dealt to him by 8% and increase the damage he deals by 8%.
  • Winrate:3%
  • Explanation: Gragas's damage reduction and amplification make him a tankier and slightly more threatening unit. However, more than his damage-dealing abilities are needed to make him that strong as a headliner.

Akali K/DA

  • Headliner Ability: 100 bonus Health and 10% bonus Attack Speed.
  • Winrate:2%
  • Explanation: Akali K/DA's increased health and attack speed make her more durable and deal damage faster. However, she needs to synergize well with the team and have optimized traits to function at her peak.


  • Headliner Ability: 400 bonus Health.
  • Winrate:1%
  • Explanation: Garen's increased health makes him tankier, but he might need additional synergies or specific items to enhance his impact significantly.


  • Headliner Ability: 10% bonus Critical Strike Chance, and her ability can critically strike.
  • Winrate:0%
  • Explanation: Lux's critical strike chance amplification and potential to critically strike with her ability offer decent damage potential. However, she is a highly contested unit, so it will take a lot of work to get her to 3-stars.


  • Headliner Ability: 150 bonus Health and 20 bonus Armor.
  • Winrate:8%
  • Explanation: Taric's increased health and armor make him sturdier, but he is used in many compositions, which makes it hard to 3-star him even as a 1-cost unit.


  • Headliner Ability: Minigun attacks grant an extra 1% Attack Speed, Rocket Launcher attacks deal an additional 5% damage.
  • Winrate:7%
  • Explanation: Jinx's improved attack speed and rocket damage offer decent scaling potential. She tends to fall off at later stages, even if you get her to 3-stars. However, if you want to get to the top 4, she is one of the most consistent units to get you there. Unfortunately, she is a trendy unit, which can make it hard for people to run her because of character competition.


  • Headliner Ability: 15% bonus Ability Power.
  • Winrate:5%
  • Explanation: Karthus's bonus ability power enhances his damage potential. However, his shared traits with Pentakill and Executioner make him a highly contested unit even though he has no synergies in the team.


Being C-tier does not mean they are weak. Instead, they are easier to play if you have a clear plan on what to do and how to use them. However, if you can field and build them correctly, they can instantly help you win the game. They are very situational but are hidden gems if used the right way.

Tahm Kench

  • Headliner Ability: 300 bonus Health.
  • Winrate:4%
  • Explanation: While the extra health provides durability, Tahm Kench might require additional synergies or specific items to increase his overall impact and utility in the game.


  • Headliner Ability: 15% bonus Ability Power.
  • Winrate:4%
  • Explanation: Ahri's bonus ability is not that unique and impactful to make you want to get her as a Headliner. She is a powerful unit, but other characters have better bonuses.


  • Headliner Ability: 150 bonus Health and 10% bonus Attack Damage.
  • Winrate:9%
  • Explanation: Vi's augmented health and attack damage enhance her combat capabilities, but she is too squishy as a frontline unit to make her last longer in battle.


  • Headliner Ability: 150 bonus Health and 10% bonus Attack Damage.
  • Winrate:7%
  • Explanation: Poppy is one of the most substantial tanks in the game in terms of durability. However, her Headliner ability could benefit her as a frontline, so you should look for other units with better bonuses.


  • Headliner Ability: 15% bonus Attack Damage and 15% bonus Critical Strike Chance.
  • Winrate:5%
  • Explanation: Twitch's increased damage potential and critical chance offer value, but he needs to have the Executioner trait active to make him truly shine.


  • Headliner Ability: 25% bonus Attack Speed.
  • Winrate:3%
  • Explanation: Kayle's bonus Attack Speed is beneficial but lacks damage to make her a great carry. She is okay to get for synergies, but you shouldn't rely on her for damage.


  • Headliner Ability: Every 2 casts, sings an extra High Note that deals 70% damage and heals 70%.
  • Winrate:3%
  • Explanation: Seraphine's additional damage and healing from her ability provide utility and increased survivability. However, she only synergizes with a few traits and needs to be more flexible regarding team composition.


  • Headliner Ability: 20% bonus Attack Damage.
  • Winrate:2%
  • Explanation: Corki's increased Attack Damage is beneficial, but his win rate suggests he might not be as reliable as higher-tier units. If you can stack his 8-bit bonus quickly, he can easily climb to A-Tier. However, he can only carry part of the team independently and requires an additional unit to deal with damage with him, which might feel too costly.


  • Headliner Ability: 200 bonus Health, 10% Attack Damage, 10 Armor, 10 Magic Resist.
  • Winrate:0%
  • Explanation: Riven's bonuses provide a decent boost, but her win rate suggests she might need more substantial synergies or more specialized items to be consistently effective in battles.


  • Headliner Ability: 20% bonus Attack Damage.
  • Winrate:7%
  • Explanation: Aphelios' increased Attack Damage is valuable, but he requires specific compositions or items to excel consistently. He will only perform well if you can scale his traits right away.


  • Headliner Ability: 100 bonus Health, 10 bonus Armor, 10 bonus Magic Resist.
  • Winrate:6%
  • Explanation: Olaf's added survivability through bonus Health, Armor, and Magic Resist makes him sturdy as an early-game unit. However, his bonus ability tends to fall off considerably eventually, so it is best always to replace him with a headliner with better bonuses later on.


  • Headliner Ability: 300 bonus Health.
  • Winrate:1%
  • Explanation: K'Sante's substantial bonus Health provides durability, but many other units are more reliable as front liners.


  • Headliner Ability: 20% bonus Ability Power.
  • Winrate:8%
  • Explanation: Annie's bonus Ability Power is helpful, but she relies heavily on having mana regen items. She is not flexible regarding equipment but performs well if you give her the right components.


  • Headliner Ability: 100 bonus Health and 10% Omnivamp.
  • Winrate:4%
  • Explanation: Yasuo's added Health and Omnivamp provide sustain. You need to ensure that you are using the right traits and that they are optimized to make him powerful. In addition, he needs to get early kills to increase his AD stacks. However, if you can maximize his synergies early on, he can quickly climb to A-tier.


  • Headliner Ability: 200 bonus Health and 20% bonus Ability Power.
  • Winrate:3%
  • Explanation: Jax's bonus Health and Ability Power offer versatility. However, he needs to be more squishy as a frontline unit, and you will get less value out of his bonus abilities.


  • It might be tempting to 3-star a Headliner, but only do it if you want to keep their bonuses. Some units are just being used as temporary carriers or trait synergizers, so it is better to keep them at 2 stars so you can easily replace them later.
  • Have a clear idea of what you want to do so you can easily navigate the game using any Headliner.

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