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TFT Set 11 Best Teams for Current Meta

TFT Set 11 Best Teams for Current Meta

Teamfight Tactics’ team meta has permanently changed with every patch, and the current landscape has essentially killed most reroll comps. Unless you find good combat augments, it’s going to be hard to run 2-cost and 3-cost rerolls. If you want to increase your win rates, you must focus on getting the 4-costs and 5-costs in the game. If you don't know which compositions to use, this guide will help you find the best TFT teams.

Best TFT Teams to Run for the Current Patch

Players found that 4-cost teams bring the highest win rate, especially after the latest patch. With so much HP gain, our epic units have become much more durable, which lets them stay in battle much longer. Here is every 4-cost or standard leveling team that you can use to win your lobbies:

Porcelain Ashe

Ashe Carry has been the most meta unit in the current patch. If you land your Ashe immediately, you will hit the top 4, even with an incomplete or forced composition. However, she will still need a Porcelain synergy to maximize her damage. We have several variations of compositions revolving around Ashe. Here is every unit you will need for each version and their preferred items:

Porcelain Invoker Ashe 

We want to pick up four Invokers alongside our Porcelain comp for this variation. We want Annie and Lillia as our main tank and secondary carry. Our Ultimate goal is either to three-star these units or to get a fully geared Azir or Lissandra. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Ashe – Guinsoo, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, or Giant Slayer
  • Annie – Porcelain Emblem (if you have), Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, Redemption, or Dragon’s Claw
  • Lillia – Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet, Rabadoon’s Deathcap, or Morellonomicon
  • Nautilus – Warmog’s, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Dragon’s Claw, or Bramble Vest
  • Azir – Shojin's Blade, Jeweled Gauntlet, Guinsoo Rageblade, or Rabaddon’s Deathcap
  • Lissandra – Shojin's Blade, Hextech Gunblade, Morellonomicon, and Jeweled Gauntlet
  • Amumu
  • Lux
  • Kog’Maw

Pure Porcelain Ashe 

We want to get a 2-star Lissandra alongside our Ashe for this variation. This one boasts a more vital frontline since we are looking for Behemoths and Wardens. We want to spend less time rolling for 4-cost units and more time on 5-costs. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Ashe – Guinsoo, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, or Giant Slayer
  • Lissandra – Shojin's Blade, Jeweled Gauntlet, Hand of Justice, Morellonomicon
  • Amumu – Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, Warmog’s
  • Ornn – Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, Sunfire, and Redemption
  • Azir
  • Sett
  • Udyr
  • Annie
  • Lux

Porcelain Arcanist Ashe

We want to pick up Syndra as our secondary carry for this version while we try getting a 2-star Lissandra. We don’t need to force a Fated trait here, but we want four Wardens to create a strong frontline. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Ashe – Guinsoo, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, or Giant Slayer
  • Lissandra – Shojin's Blade, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Hextech Gunblade
  • Amumu – Gargoyle's Stoneplate, Dragon’s Claw, and Sunfire
  • Syndra – Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Nashor’s Tooth
  • Sett
  • Nautilus
  • Aphelios
  • Illaoi
  • Lux

Heavenly Kayn

While Yone’s era is finally over, another Reaper has taken center stage as Kayn takes over as the strongest backline shredder. Two variations revolve around this unit, and it’s pretty easy to go back and forth between them. Do note that these compositions require excellent positioning as you need to put Kayn on the right side to access the enemy’s backline. Here are all the variations for this meta-comp:

Pure Heavenly Kayn

For this composition, we do the same thing we did with Yone Reroll, but we don’t need to activate four reapers. Instead, we will add Morgana and Lee Sin to the team, so we have two more additional 4-cost carries. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Kayn – Edge of Night, Last Whisper, Hand of Justice, or Bloodthirster
  • Morgana – Morellonomicon, Shojin’s Blade, Heavenly Emblem (if you have it)
  • Lee Sin – Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Sterak’s Gage
  • Wukong – Edge of Night, Bloodthirster, and Titan’s Resolve
  • Soraka
  • Neeko
  • Qiyana
  • Kha’Zix
  • Malphite

Dragonlord Kayn

We want to use the Dragonlord traits instead of the Heavenly for this comp. This team is usually more flexible, and we typically use it if we don’t get any Heavenly units. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Kayn – Edge of Night, Last Whisper, Hand of Justice, or Bloodthirster
  • Morgana – Morellonomicon, Shojin’s Blade, Heavenly Emblem (if you have it)
  • Lee Sin – Titan’s Resolve, Bloodthirster, Edge of Night
  • Wukong – Sterak's Gage, Titan’s Resolve, and Bloodthirster
  • Rakan
  • Diana
  • Soraka
  • Qiyana
  • Kha’Zix

Dryad Gnar

Surprisingly, we still have one reroll comp that works well without going vertical. The reason that Gnar Reroll still works is because their HP scales with every stack of Dryad. Their increased health lets them compete with four costs after their HP buff. Here are the units and items for this comp:

  • Gnar – Bloodthirster, Titan’s Resolve, and Hand of Justice
  • Kindred – Blue Buff, Morellonomicon, and Rabaddon’s Deathcap
  • Kayn – Dryad Emblem, Bloodthirster, and Edge of Night
  • Ornn – Sunfire, Warmog’s, and Redemption
  • Illaoi
  • Shen
  • Rek’Sai

Kai’Sa Carry

We have two Kai’Sa variations, which are excellent at reaching the top 4. These comps will depend on which units you get first or which ones you have 2-star copies first. However, it would help if you focused on getting a strong Kai’Sa since she is the core of these compositions. Here are the units and items for each version:

Bruiser Kai’Sa

This composition is easier to build since you focus on getting Bruisers and Trickshots. If you get an early Sylas or Galio, you should go for this comp. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Kai’Sa - Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Shojin’s Blade
  • Sylas – Titan's Resolve, Bloodthirster, and Ionic Spark
  • Galio – Dragon's Claw, Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, and Redemption
  • Udyr
  • Xayah
  • Aatrox
  • Riven
  • Teemo
  • Sivir
  • Red Kayle

Dragonlord Kai’Sa

You want to maximize Kai’Sa’s damage by using the Dragonlord buff for this comp. You only want this comp if you get an early Lee’Sin and Xayah. You want to maximize your buffs here, so you must field four Dragonlords or five if you have the emblem. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Kai’Sa - Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Shojin’s Blade
  • Ornn – Gargoyle's Stoneplate, Sunfire, and Redemption
  • Xayah – Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Giant Slayer
  • Udyr – Bloodthirster, Sterak’s Gage, and Titan’s Resolve
  • Azir
  • Lee Sin
  • Diana
  • Volibear
  • Janna

Dragonlord Galio

If you have trouble landing contested units like Kai’Sa, Ashe, or Kay, you could opt for some of the less popular and efficient comps. Dragonlord Galio uses Dragonlords to buff up your Irelia, who will serve as your primary carry. This comp might feel a bit forced and have a weaker frontline, but if you can land your 2-stars quickly, you can easily land the top 4. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Galio – Dragon's Claw, Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, and Redemption
  • Irelia – Guinsoo, Infinity Edge, and Red Buff
  • Diana – Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, Steadfast Heart, and Redemption
  • Rakan
  • Wukong
  • Lee Sin
  • Soraka
  • Janna
  • Riven
  • Blue Kayle

Dragonlord 5-Costs

If most 4-costs are contested, you should speed up to level 9 and run this comp instead. You want to pick up at least one copy of Dragonlord units and then find strong frontline units like Behemoths or Wardens. Your leading carriers here would be Azir and Hwei because they are the 5-costs that can damage multiple units at the same time. Here are the units and items for this variation:

  • Azir – Shojin's Blade, Statik Shiv, and Rabadon’s Deathcap
  • Hwei – Shojin’s Blade, Morellonomicon, and Archangel’s Staff
  • Ornn/Nautilus - Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, Ionic Spark, and Redemption
  • Udyr/Sett - Double Titan’s Resolve and Bloodthirster
  • Rakan
  • Wukong
  • Diana
  • Soraka
  • Janna

Why Do Reroll Comps Don’t Work Anymore?

This patch has been rough on lower-cost reroll comps due to the 4-cost HP buff. Purple champs became much more durable and can easily outlast lower-tier units, which is why the meta is currently dominated by comps based around them. Gnar Reroll works well because the Dryad trait gives stacking HP.

However, you can still play reroll comps if you can get core units before Stage 4. In addition, you have to get Combat Augments to amplify their effectiveness further, which means you might have to sacrifice getting Econ Augments. For example, you can still go for a Senna Reroll if you get five copies of her before Stage 3. However, it would help if you went on an excellent vertical afterward, like obtaining Kayn and Morgana.

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