Seller Ratings
Seller Info
Get your favorite hand-farmed Light/Dark NAT 5 or pre-awakened NAT 4 starter accounts today!
All of our accounts are farmed manually, with no tools, macros, or cheats involved!
As one of the original sellers of Light/Dark NAT 5 starter accounts on PlayerAuctions, with over 70K orders,
I take pride in the quality and reliability of every account I offer. Trust in my service, and you won’t be disappointed!
All of our accounts are farmed manually, with no tools, macros, or cheats involved!
As one of the original sellers of Light/Dark NAT 5 starter accounts on PlayerAuctions, with over 70K orders,
I take pride in the quality and reliability of every account I offer. Trust in my service, and you won’t be disappointed!
Seller Performance (last 30 days):
Seller Level
  ≥ 8000  
30-day sales
  ≥ 80  
30-day orders
  ≥ 98%  
30-day feedback rate