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Lethal Company Fire Exit Locations for All Moons

lethal company fire exits

Time is everything in Lethal Company, and utilizing the various Fire Exits in each moon can help employees optimize every minute they spend collecting scraps. These emergency escape options can help players get in and out of facilities faster than running through the main exits. Since each moon has its own Fire Exit in varying locations, it can be challenging for players to find all of them independently. Here are all the sites of each side door in Lethal Company:

Easy Moons


  • Experimentation only has one Fire Exit, which can easily be located on the side of the building. The side door can be accessed through a flight of stairs after leaving the main entrance. The emergency exit is at the top of the staircase and shouldn’t be hard to miss.


  • Assurance only has one Fire Exit, which can be tricky to access. The door is on an elevated platform with no outright visible access points. To get to this emergency exit, players must go to a rock formation on top of a hill on the left side of the back part of the ship. There will be a ladder between the two rocks, which employees can climb. Follow the pipes until you eventually reach a platform to jump onto to get the Fire Exit.


  • Vow has only one Fire Exit, which can easily be accessed since it is near the main entrance. The door is on the ravine's left side, facing the main entrance. Instead of crossing the two bridges, employees have to go down the cliff and move towards the left. They will eventually find the Fire Exit on the side of a cement wall.

Moderate Moons


  • Offense only has one Fire Exit, but it is the least accessible among all moons. There are two ways to get to it, but they require something from players. The most common way is to buy an extension ladder to access the side door. The Fire Exit is on the side of the mountain on an elevated cliff with no accessible stairs or ladders. Players must follow the pipes behind the ship and go right to get to it. They will eventually find two water tanks and a ridge where the door can be found. Use the extension ladder just along the side of the cliff, then climb quickly before the device resets.
  • You can only do the second method during the landing phase. When the ship doors open, players should climb on the ship or the railings. Once the vessel comes near the pipes, employees must jump onto them, eliminating the need for the ladder. However, this can only be done during the landing stage and is difficult to execute.


  • March has three Fire Exits, which are located in various locations of the forest. One is close to the main entrance, while the other is closer to the ship. Here is how you can get to each door:
    • Fire Exit #1 – The first one is the closest to the main entrance. You can find it by either starting from the main door or via the ship. If you are starting from the main entrance, you can locate the Fire Exit downhill on the right side of the building. If you are coming from the ship, follow the left side of the massive pit in the middle of the map and trace it until you reach the side with a downhill elevation. Go down the hill to find the door.
    • Fire Exit #2 – The second exit is the easiest to find because employees only need to go directly to the right after exiting the ship. After walking some steps, players will see an outline of the top of a bunker. The Fire Exit is just below the hill.
    • Fire Exit #3 – The third one is close to the ship but can be easily missed. Players must go to the ship's back and walk straight to find it. Once they reach a series of hills, they need to go left and trace the side of one hill. After walking around, they will find a door on the side of an elevated landscape, which you can access without any ladders.

Difficult Moons


  • Rend only has one Fire Exit, which is hard to find due to the low-visibility environment. Players can easily get lost on this map, so paying attention to small landmarks that players can easily miss is essential. To reach the Fire Exit, players must follow the trail of lamps near the ship. Follow the lights until you get one adjacent to a tree, the second to the last lamp, before turning left. Stand on this spot and face right. Walk straight ahead until you reach a cliff. You cannot see the bottom of the ravine from above due to the snowy fog, so carefully slide down the edges to avoid fall damage. After dropping, the Fire Exit is on the wall of the opposite bank, where you can only see part of the door.
  • If you have trouble returning from the ship from this location, go right after exiting the side door. Go uphill to leave the ridge and follow the cliff's edge on the left. Continue on this path until lights can be spotted.


  • Dine also has one Fire Exit, which is easier to access than one in Rend. While it is not required, players are advised to bring Extension Ladders. Employees can find the Fire Exit northwest of the Ship Door. Be careful not to fall off the cliff because the emergency exit is near the edge of the map. You will eventually hit a slope with a visible ridge. Gamers must climb this hill to reach the platform with the Fire Exit. You can do this without an Extension Ladder, but having one will make it easier.


  • Titan has only one Fire Exit, but there are two ways to get to it. This is extremely important since this is the most dangerous map, and players will need several ways to come and go. The first way is to climb the main staircase. After reaching the top and the front of the main entrance, go left on the railings until the Fire Exit can be spotted. The second method is to climb another set of stairs on the left of the main staircase. The door will be visible on the right after reaching the top of this set.

Why Is It Important to Enter Fire Exits?

There are three reasons why players should always find the Fire Exits:

  1. It can help teams explore the building much more efficiently.
  2. Provide players with various entry points to reduce travel time to and from the ship.
  3. Map out all true Fire Exits.

Players with Mimic mods have a chance of encountering fake doors, which will eat them alive if they try to exit them. Entering the Fire Exits from outside can help you mark all the actual doors and avoid the fake ones.

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