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The Finals: How to Turn Off Crossplay

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The Finals became one of Steam's most highly-played FPS games just a few days after its release. Its fast-paced style, and chaotic battlegrounds hooked many gamers into the fast life of stealing cashouts from other teams. Contestants can queue up with players from various platforms because the game allows cross-play between devices. Fortunately, gamers can turn off this feature to avoid mixing with other people from different platforms.

How Does The Finals Crossplay Work

Crossplay is an option that allows players from different platforms to queue up together despite being on nonidentical devices. Players can play with their friends on either PC or Console regarding The Finals. The game is available on Windows, Xbox, and PlayStation, so contestants can quickly find a game via matchmaking.

On top of this, progression can also be continued on multiple platforms because the Finals allows cross-platform play. This will enable gamers to continue their PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, and S sessions even if they started on a different device. It is unclear if The Finals will also have a mobile version, but players shouldn't think that far ahead for a game that just came out.

How to Turn Off The Finals Crossplay

Some PC players don't want to mix with Console players because of aim assist. Gamers on PlayStation and Xbox are given the aim to assist them with their tracking while using controllers. Players on PC find this unfair because this feature gives them a slightly higher advantage. Fortunately, gamers can turn off the crossplay option if they don't want to play with people from other platforms. Here is how contestants can turn off this feature:

  • Open Settings
  • Go to the Gameplay Section
  • Scroll through down until you find Crossplay
  • Click Crossplay to Turn It Off

You can turn on crossplay and back it on anytime as long as you are in the lobby. You cannot change this feature when you are already in a match.

What Happens if You Turn Off Crossplay?

The main thing that happens when Crossplay is off is that players won't be able to queue up with gamers from different platforms. However, it does have several implications regarding matchmaking and connection. In particular, players should expect a longer queue because potential lobbies they can join are significantly reduced. Contestants might also find better relationships because they only play with people using the same servers and devices.

Why You Should Turn Off Crossplay

Turning off crossplay is a personal preference but brings several advantages. The first one is the improved connection to the games. The second is better lobby quality. Players have complained about their pubs having widely random skill levels. Turning off crossplay can make match qualities more consistent and appropriate to the current device.

Turning off crossplay can help console players avoid queueing up with hackers and cheaters. There has been a sudden influx of abusers and cheaters from the PC platform, so it can be pretty annoying to be included in the same lobby as them. Fortunately, PS5 and Xbox players can avoid them by turning off the feature.

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