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WoW Demon Hunter Guide

Demon Hunter

Demon Hunters are followers of Illidan Stormrage, the first of its kind. They draw on Fel and chaotic magics, believing these are necessary to hunt and defeat the Burning Legion. Drawing on demonic powers, they start to develop the characteristics of demons.

As they continue their hunts, they slowly develop a spectral sight to improve their craft. This burns away their eyes, making their trademark blindfolds a necessity. Because of their acquired demonic characteristics, they’re typically shunned by their own races. Nobody knows of the sacrifices they make.

What are Demon Hunters?

Illidan Stormrage is the first Demon Hunter. He grew awed at the warlocks of The Burning Legion. While he did not appreciate the goal, he saw the potential in the means. However, his patron would not hear of taking one as a prisoner, so he bottled up his admiration.

Still, he tried studying the same magic, thinking he could turn it against the Legion. His brother did not look kindly on his dabbling with demonic powers, plus it seemed that he had allied with Sargeras, Lord of the Legion. His meeting with the lord cost him his eyes, though he gained tattoos that increased his arcane power. Yet, his twin had him imprisoned for 10,000 years.

Later, his brother’s girlfriend (who he also loved) freed him because of the return of the Legion. He agreed to help, determined to prove that he had not been taken over by the demons. He encountered Arthas Menethil, who was the champion of the Lich King by that time.

After a draw where neither won, Arthas told Illidan about the Skull of Gul’dan and its powers. Baited by the promise of redeeming himself, Illidan took the skull and absorbed its magic. It turned him into something neither elf nor demon and was only met with disgust from everyone he met afterward.

This is the origin of the Demon Hunters. However, future ones only found a way to replicate the powers instead of getting them as Illidan did.

Demon Hunters Guide

In battle, they’re agile or focused on tanking. The primary stat you’ll build up is their Agility, and their central resource is Fury, which some skills build-up, and others consume. They wear light or leather armor and use one-handed weapons such as swords, warglaives, and axes.

They also have the Metamorphosis skill, which allows them to transform and increase their abilities. DPS hunters can teleport to enemies, while tank ones grant supportive auras. With their Spectral Sight, nothing gets past them, however, things are hidden. Note that only Night and Blood Elves can become Demon Hunters. No other race can be one.

Here are the two builds you can make with this hero class.

Havoc: DPS-Oriented

Havoc DHs are quick burst damage dealers with excellent mobility and survivability. They can switch targets in a blink of an eye without too much of a loss in DPS and have excellent group utility. AoE or single-target isn’t a problem, plus it’s a straightforward enough class to pick up quickly.

As burst damage dealers, they can have a little problem when their abilities are on cooldown. They’re not made for sustained or prolonged combat. Gathering Fury is also a bit hit-and-miss, so there will be moments you’ll be starved for it. They don’t have that wide of a variety of talents, giving way to situations where only one or no ability of theirs will work.

They would use their Demon’s Bite to gather Fury, using Immolation Aura on cooldowns. Then they use their Fury with Chaos Strike, Eye Beam, or Blade Dance, depending on the enemy. Metamorphosis, Fel Rush, and Vengeful Retreat let them reposition and retreat, zipping in and out of the action as they need to. This straightforward use allows them to be simple to use with no fancy mechanics.

Vengeance: Tank Demon Hunters

As tanks, Demon Hunters retain their mobility and high damage output. They use a mix of healing and damage mitigation skills with a bit of utility with sigils. They also have a unique magic debuff, allowing them to reduce magical along with physical damage.

They do suffer from a short duration for their mitigation skills, requiring a sense of timing when using them. Their choices for Legendary Equipment are also sparse, usually leaving them with nonoptimal gear. Lastly, they have a limited pool of talents they can take advantage of.

This build focuses more on the resource management side. Players must juggle mitigation, healing, damage, monster control, and aggro. Their primary resource is Souls, consuming them with Spirit Bomb or Soul Cleave, weaving in sigils when both are in cooldown.

Due to all the resource management involved in playing the class, it isn’t something you can just pick up and play. It takes a bit of thinking and calculation to use this build. The build is for those who like thinking and strategizing more than charging into the fray.

The Best WoW Demon Hunter Build

Considering the simplicity and ease of use of Havoc Demon Hunters, it’s the best one to recommend. However, your preference plays a big part in choosing a build to play. Havoc is easier to play, while you’ll need to think a little when playing Vengeance.

If considering PvP and PvE, Havoc will have an easier time in both, while Vengeance would struggle in PvP a little more. Two or three targets are barely a crowd. If the enemy players expect it, they can easily avoid a VDH’s crowd control and AoE abilities. Still, VDHs are, by default, hard to kill, so things should balance out.

Enjoy Playing a Demon Hunter

Everybody likes playing a DPS class, so Havoc Demon Hunters are your best bet. Some would appreciate the gameplay of Vengeance Demon Hunters, but they are rare. At any rate, whatever build you decide on for your Demon Hunter, have fun playing World of Warcraft!

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