WoW Accounts for Sale - World of Warcraft Marketplace
Get ready to experience the mysteries that the Earthen Wards have in store. With so many things to unlock in the latest expansion, players can get ahead of others with real money. Gamers can buy WoW Accounts with The War Within and delve into the mysteries and threats lurking beneath the surface of the world of Azeroth. Click here if you are looking for WoW Cata Classic accounts.

Why Buy WoW Accounts?
World of Warcraft is an expansive MMO with tons of content, including races, classes, raids, and cosmetics. With the release of the latest expansion, a whole new set of features will be available to the community. From a new region to a new heroic job, players might need help to keep up with all the changes. Since WoW is all about raiding, acquiring more excellent stuff, and potentially roleplaying, gamers will try their best to purchase any item that would make them stronger and set them apart from the rest.
The problem with WoW is that most of the game can only be acquired after playing for hundreds of hours or being very lucky. Things such as gear and rare mounts do not have high drop rates, which can impede any player's progression. Heroes can spend countless hours running certain dungeons and still not get their desired loot.
Instead of spending too much time raiding and grinding, players can buy accounts that already have what they need, especially if they are starting. Using real-world money, you can get high-level characters that have already unlocked many achievements or obtained excellent gear. In addition, gamers can acquire accounts with some of the rarest mounts, pets, and transmogs in the game. Buying a good account will help fans enjoy the game to their hearts' content.
Strongest Items WoW Accounts Should Have
If you are looking to buy WoW accounts, you have to have a set of criteria to determine which ones you should consider getting. One main thing that gamers should look out for is gear. Your characters' items will dictate their effectiveness in their chosen role, whether they are DPS, Healer, or Tank. The right equipment can mean heaven and heart, especially for more challenging raids.
Some specific sets are extremely valuable due to how it is to get them. Acquiring accounts that own these items is a massive win for any potential buyer. Players should note that the different classes will need varying gear, so the best-in-slot (BiS) for each will be quite different. Here are some of the strongest and rarest equipment in the game:
- Devastated Worldshard
- Gavel of the First Arbiter
- The Devouring Cold
- Gazepiercer
- Gristlegorge Hacker
- Cruciform Veinripper
- Zovastrum, the Unmaking
- Antumbra, Shadow of the Cosmos
- Maledict Opus
- Rae'shalare, Death's Whisper
- Grasp of the Grave
- Ruined Crest of Lordaeron
- Edge of Night
- Domination's Deliverance
- Visage of the First Eidolon
- Valorous Visage of Krexus
- Diadem of Imperious Desire
- Mercurial Punisher's Hood
- Headpiece of the Fixed Stars
- Godstalker's Sallet
- Crown of the Grand Upwelling
- Luminous Chevalier’s Casque
- Soulblade Guise
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Howl
- Gaze of the Infinite Infantry
- Erudite Occultist's Hood
- Amice of the Empyrean
- Horns of the Demon Star
- Choker of Barbed Reins
- Beacon of Stormwind
- Wordkiller Iris
- Cartel Xy's Proof of Initiation
- Noble's Birthstone Pendant
- Charm of Eternal Winter
- Interplanar Keystone
- Amulet of the Last Guardian
- Weathered Talisman of the Shadowmoon
- Charm of Eternal Winter
- Shoulderplates of the First Eidolon
- Pauldrons of Enroaching Limits
- Epaulettes of Overwhelming Force
- Pauldrons of Possible Afterlives
- Sires of Broken Hope
- Mercurial Punisher's Shoulderpads
- Shoulderpads of the Fixed Stars
- Godstalker's Pauldrons
- Tassets of the Grand Upwelling
- Luminous Chevalier’s Epaulettes
- Soulblade Nightwings
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Adornment
- Pauldrons of the Infinite Infantry
- Erudite Occultist's Mantle
- Capelet of the Empyrean
- Mantle of the Demon Star
- Cloak of the First Eidolon
- Mantle of the Manifest Sins
- Cloak of Scarred Honor
- Crest of the Legionnaire General
- Self-Replicating Tissue
- Godstalker's Camouflage
- Dark Ranger's Quiver
- Drape of the Grand Upwelling
- Luminous Chevalier’s Drape
- Soulblade Cloak
- Decadent Nathrian Shawl
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Shawl
- Favor of the Infinite Infantry
- Erudite Occultist's Shroud
- Drape of the Empyrean
- Lurking Predator's Camouflage
- Carapace of the First Eidolon
- Mercurial Punisher's Jerkin
- Cuirass of the Lonely Citadel
- Rampaging Giant's Chestplate
- Chestguard of the Fixed Stars
- Godstalker's Hauberk
- Cuirass of the Grand Upwelling
- Luminous Chevalier's Plackart
- Soulblade Leathers
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Ringmail
- Breastplate of the Infinite Infantry
- Erudite Occultist's Robes
- Habit of the Empyrean
- Robes of the Demon Star
- Vambraces of the First Eidolon
- Mercurial Punisher's Wristguards
- Hellhound Cuffs
- Airborne Abductor's Vambraces
- Unstable Giant's Cuffs
- Soldier's Stoneband Wristguards
- Clasps of the Unfortunate Troubadour
- Bracers of Fixed Stars
- Bands of the Fallen House
- Demigaunts of the Grand Upwelling
- Luminous Chevalier's Vambraces
- Soulblade Wristguard
- Vambraces of the Infinite Infantry
- Erudite Occultist's Bracers
- Bracelets of the Empyrean
- Bangles of the Demon Star
- Gauntlets of the First Eidolon
- Gauntlets of Absolute Authority
- Handguards of Hidden Realms
- Colossal Plate Gauntlets
- Bleakwing Assassin's Grips
- Mercurial Punisher's Grips
- Handwraps of the Fixed Stars
- Godstalker's Gauntlets
- Grips of the Grand Upwelling
- Luminous Chevalier's Gauntlets
- Soulblade Grasps
- Loyal Kvaldir's Handwraps
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Runebindings
- Grasps of the Infinite Infantry
- Erudite Occultists' Handwrap
- Caress of the Empyrean
- Grasps of the Demon Star
- Automatic Waist Tightener
- Enforcer's Containment Cinch
- Binding of Warped Desires
- Girdle of the First Eidolon
- Stoic Guardsman's Belt
- Spellwarding Waistguard
- Spell-Woven Tourniquet
- Headless Pugilist's Harness
- Cincture of the Fixed Stars
- Godstalker's Fauld
- Soulblade Baldric
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Belt
- Cinch of Infinite Tightness
- Erudite Occultist's Cord
- Sash of the Empyrean
- Waistwrap of the Demon Star
- Chausses of the First Eidolon
- Legguards of the Ultimate Threat
- Endlessly Gluttonous Greaves
- Mercurial Punisher's Breeches
- Legging of the Fixed Stars
- Memento-Laden Cuisses
- Legguards of the Grand Upwelling
- Luminous Chevalier’s Robes
- Soulblade Leggings
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Tassets
- Legplates of the Infinite Infantry
- Erudite Occultist's Leggings
- Leggings of the Empyrean
- Leggings of the Demon Star
- Greaves of the First Eidolon
- Errant Crusader's Greaves
- Stoneguard Attendant's Boots
- Graves of Haunting Ruination
- Greatboots of the Roaming Goliath
- Mercurial Punisher's Boots
- Footwraps of the Fixedd Stars
- Regal Mekanospurs
- Footwraps of the Grand Upwelling
- Ooey-Gooery Galoshes
- Errant Crusader's Greaves
- Luminous Chevalier's Spurs
- Soulblade Footpads
- Daschla's Defiant Treads
- Theurgic Starspeaker's Sabatons
- March of the Infinite Infantry
- Slippers of the Forgotten Heretic
- Erudite Occultist's Treads
- Slippers of the Forgotten Heretic
- Boots of the Demon Star
- Logic Loop of Division
- Overclocking Bit Band
- Logic Loop of Recursion
- Soulwarped Seal of Menethil
- Modified Defense Grid
- Rygelon's Heraldic Ring
- Tarnished Insignia of Quel'Thalas
- Rebooting Bit Band
- Soulwarped Seal of Wrynn
- Old Warrior's Soul
- Scars of Fraternal Strife
- The First Sigil
- Decanter of Endless Howling
- Reactive Defense Matrix
- Salvaged Fusion Amplifier
- Shard of Annhylde’s Aegis
- Cabalist Hymnal
- Shadowed Orb of Torment
- Reactive Defense Matrix
- Cache of Acquired Treasures
- Kihra's Adrenaline Injector
- Titanic Ocular Gland
Based on the total ratings of 586 orders in the past year
Awesome dude, took extra time to help me and walk me through steps!!!!!!
(SEASON 2 TTW) 655 Shaman Full PvE - 4 ...
Excellent seller, very informative and guided me threw every step. Thanks!
Rogue [EU Region] - Elite PvP Transmog |...
Everything good
[Stormrage-US] Horde Drakthyr Sub Rogue ...
Quick fast and easy to *** w a++++
[US] Big Acc Epic Edition +160 Mounts -D...
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Rare Transmogs, Pets, and Mounts
Accounts can also soar in value depending on other things that they have. Aside from gear, transmogs, pets, and mounts are some of the most significant determinants of how valuable characters are. While hundreds of these items are available in the game that players can quickly get, heroes would always target the rarest and the unique ones. There are various ways of acquiring them, ranging from raiding to buying from the Auction House.
Transmogs are some of the most coveted items in World of Warcraft. Many players aim to get the best costumes to improve their immersion or to stand out among groups. Though these cosmetics do not provide any additional bonuses or stats, heroes are still willing to spend hundreds of hours or gold to acquire them. Here are some of the unique transmogs in the game:
- Judgment Set (acquired mainly from Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, and Onyxia)
- Corruptor Set (acquired from exchanging tokens obtained from Serpenshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep)
- Dreadnaught Set (acquired from defeating Naxxramas)
- Blind Absolution Set (acquired from the Tomb of Sargeras)
- Frost Witch Set (acquired from exchanging a Protector's Mark of Sanctification with 251 Item level to Matilda Brightlink in Dalaran)
- Scourgelord (acquired piece by piece from various sources such as Toravon the Ice Watcher, Blood-Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa, Professor Putricide, Deathbringer Saurfang, and the Lich King)
- Nordrassil (acquired from Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep)
- Bloodfang (acquired from the Blackwing Lair)
- Red Crane (acquired piece by piece from Sha of Fear, Lei Shee, Grand Empress Shek'zeer, Wind Lord Mel'jarak, and Amber-Shaper Un'sok)
- Demonbane (acquired from Tomb of Sargeras)
Mounts are another set of drops that players would lose their minds over. These rideable minions can carry characters quickly from one place to another. Some of these are extremely hard to get due to RNG drops. Here are some of the best mounts in the game:
- Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Obsidian Worldbreaker
- Ashes of Al'ar
- Deathcharger's Reins
- Solar Spirehawk
- Son of Galleon
- Silent Glider
- Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent
- Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
- Tyrael's Charger
- X-51 Nether-Rocket
- Swift Zulian Tiger
- White Riding Camel
- Swift Shorestrider
- Prestigious Midnight Courser
- Sinrunner Blanchy
- Gorestrider Gronnling
- Swift Gloomhoof
- Hand of Salaranga
- Battle Gargon Silessa
- Wild Glimmerfur Prowler
- Lord of the Corpseflies
- Arboreal Gulper
- Sinful Gladiator's Soul Eater
- Sintouched Deathwalker
- Soulbound Gloom Charger
- Sinrunner Blanchy
Pets are also one of the most collectible things in the game. While some are purely for cosmetic purposes, many of these minions also have battle functions, which games can take advantage of. Some companions can be easily bought from the Auction House. However, several wonderful pets are tough to acquire due to their low drop rates. Here are some of the best minions in the game:
- Anubisath Idol
- Unborn Val'kyr
- Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
- Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen
- Emerald Proto-Whelp
- Chrominius
- Iron Starlette
- Kun-Lai Runt
- Lil'Ragnaros
- Nexus Whelping
- Pandaren Water Spirit
- Graves
- Clockwork Gnome
- Darkmoon Zeppelin
- Darkmoon Tonk
- Teroclaw Hatchling
- Gilean Raven
- Zandalari Anklerender
- Nether Faerie Dragon
- Magical Crawdad
- Weebomination
- Brightside Hatchling
- Soul of the Forge
- Snowfeather Hatchling
- Direbeak Hatchling
- Direhorn Runt
- Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar
World of Warcraft has been around for more than ten years. And with millions of players and multiple expansions, it seems like one of the biggest MMOs the world has ever known isn't about to stop anytime soon—players have a lot to be excited about. But what about those who have yet to make a WoW account?
Well, before getting to that, it is important to first list the many reasons to be excited for World of Warcraft.
Enjoy the Game: Buy WoW Accounts
There is, however, one question that remains: is it still worth it for new players to join WoW? And what about those who have already hung up the WoW mantle but would like to go back? Well, in both cases, it's not too late; it never is. In fact, according to a lot of players, any time would be the perfect time to play or play again. This is because, for those that haven't played the game yet or have left for quite some time, they can take things slowly enjoy all the past content, as there is still no rush to catch up since the next update won't be released for a few months.
On the other hand, if players want to burn through content, then they always have the option to get a fully loaded account that has all of the bells and whistles. That way, they can skip the hassle of grinding and hunting and just focus on the good stuff. Third-party marketplaces are aplenty in this day and age, so buyers wouldn’t have any problem in trying to look for the World of Warcraft account of their dreams. It's recommended that they make sure that they check the servers of the accounts that they're planning to get through, as transferring a character from one server to another is not possible.
The Perks of Getting A WoW Account
There are a lot of benefits waiting for players that are planning to purchase their World of Warcraft account. For starters, they can choose to either get a smurf or a souped-up account. Smurfs aren't unheard of these days. In fact, they're present in almost every online game there is. Players can use their smurf accounts to practice different professions or try out different races that they otherwise couldn't in their main account. It's a great way for them to experiment with the abundant skills, races, classes, and professions that World of Warcraft has to offer. Then some account have just about everything that they'll need to get to the endgame. The endgame is arguably the heart and soul of World of Warcraft—it's where most of the content lies, where the raids and the great dungeons hail. With the level cap of World of Warcraft increased to level 70, players have to cover a lot more ground if they want to get to the later parts of the MMO. Thankfully, they have the option to get a World of Warcraft account that already has a high-level character, endgame-worthy gear, and all the mounts that they could ever ask for.

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