⚡At our store, you can find accounts with various ranks, that are suitable for players of all skill levels. We also have accounts with rare skins that are sure to impress your friends.⚡
We take customer service very seriously. We guarantee fast and secure delivery of your purchased account.
⚡So why wait? Browse our selection of accounts today and start dominating the competition in no time!✅
Xelate's PlayerAuctions Feedback
all as described
Eu-Europe | V 25 Act 1 : Gold 1-3 | Gold Elo | Smu...
I was skeptical at first but it went out better than I expected.
Eu-Europe Lvl 20 | Champions 2024 Bundle | Araxys ...
Instant delivery was amazing and all the info worked and I got all the skins! :)
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 20 | Prime//2.0 Karambit | Araxy...
Job well done
[STEAM] Gold Ranked Account | Gold 3 Rank | Level ...
was easy and fast
Na-Usa-Can | Overdrive Bundle | Overdrive Blade | ...
Bought account for seven hundred! Seller was super communicative throughout!
Na-Usa-Can Lvl 196 | Champions 2021 Karambit | Cha...
W account
Na-Usa-Can | Oni Bundle | RGX 11z Pro Vandal | Pro...
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 18 | Gaia's Vengeance Vandal | F...
As described.
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 20 | Xenohunter Knife | Prelude ...
Eu-Europe | Kuronami no Yaiba | Kuronami Vandal | ...
Worked with me on everything, helped me with fee issues. Buy with Xelate
Na-Usa-Can Lvl 25 | Champions 2024 Bundle | Valian...
A++. Easy deliver, seller was very quick to respond and communicate
[STEAM] Silver Ranked Account | Silver Rank | Leve...
Great accounts!
Na-Usa-Can Lvl 471 | Kuronami Bundle | Ignite Fan ...
This Guy is the bomb quick easy great communication good deals.
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 1 | Singularity Vandal | Neo Fro...
Nice, though the skins are stiff and no radianite Q_Q
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 20 | Rgx 11z Pro Karambit | Kuro...
Fast responses, good accounts.
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 1 | Champions 2024 Blade | Araxy...
The best!
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 149 | RGX 11z Pro Firefly | Fors...
Battle . Net - PC/XBOX/PS | Warzone 3.0 | Level 10...
amazing seller, very quick when it comes to replying!
Eu-Europe Lvl 20 | RGX 11z Pro Karambit | Rank Rea...
Amazing dude, great communication and everything!
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 292 | Champions 2021 Bundle | Ch...
Great seller! I always look for their store to have great accounts
Na-Usa-Can Lvl 190 | Champions 2023+2024 Bundle | ...
very nice seller , and trustable !!
Eu-Europe Lvl 1 | Nocturnum Scythe | Araxys Vandal...
amazing account!
Eu-Turkish Lvl 25 | XEROFANG Knife | Rank Ready | ...
Very reliable seller!
Na-Usa-Can Lvl 327 | Overdrive Bundle | Prime Bund...
got what i needed no issues
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 89 | Equilibrium | Reaver Vandal...
goated guy. fast reply, great communication
Eu-Europe Lvl 20 | Reaver Karambit | Rank Ready | ...
Very accurate on description, very recommended!!!!
Na-Usa-Canad Lvl 80 | Onimaru Kunitsuna | Araxys V...
good man!
Na-Usa-Canada Lvl 295 | Champions 2021 Vandal | Si...
Na-Usa-Can Lvl 28 | RGX 11z Pro Karambit | Elderfl...