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Level 40 3.5M Stardust, No Team, 44x Shiny (34 Unique), 184x 2000 CP | Best price, stacked Pokemon Trainer Club account #FR961C098 7 days Seller After-sale protection

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$ 10.00

  • 1. Check out and complete the payment
  • 2. Receive an email with the Game Account details
  • 3. Log in to the Game Account and verify description
  • 4. Confirm the delivery
  • 5. Seller gets paid

Here are the account details:
Level: 40
Team: None (You can choose any team)
Stardust: 3,500,000
2000+ CPs: 184
    8x Donphan, 8x Arcanine, 7x Machamp
    6x Scyther, 6x Breloom, 6x Bellossom
    6x Stoutland, 6x Muk, 6x Typhlosion
    5x Staraptor, 5x Excadrill, 5x Gengar
    5x Gourgeist, 5x Bouffalant, 5x Durant
    4x Cinderace, 4x Sandslash, 4x Ursaring
    4x Aggron, 4x Oinkologne, 4x Scizor
    4x Blissey, 4x Feraligatr, 4x Meganium
    3x Reuniclus, 3x Inteleon, 3x Flareon
    3x Ninetales, 3x Komala, 3x Magmar
    3x Slowking, 3x Golem, 3x Sawsbuck
    3x Walrein, 3x Toucannon, 2x Alakazam
    2x Shiftry, 2x Flygon, 2x Gardevoir
    2x Rillaboom, 1x Trevenant, 1x Gigalith
    1x Mienshao, 1x Escavalier, 1x Crobat
    1x Gothitelle, 1x Toxicroak, 1x Metagross
    1x Palossand, 1x Avalugg, 1x Snorlax
    1x Golem (Alolan), 1x Armaldo, 1x Rapidash (Galarian)
    1x Hitmonlee, 1x Tauros
Top 20 CPs (only the best of each species is shown)
    2900 Excadrill, 2701 Donphan, 2631 Arcanine
    2628 Flareon, 2612 Golem, 2598 Rillaboom
    2595 Cinderace, 2593 Machamp, 2537 Gardevoir
    2517 Scizor, 2465 Staraptor, 2458 Typhlosion
    2444 Alakazam, 2444 Avalugg, 2443 Snorlax
    2386 Flygon, 2367 Reuniclus, 2350 Aggron
    2344 Toucannon, 2343 Gengar
Shinies: 44 (34 Unique)
    4x Pineco, 3x Plusle, 2x Drilbur
    2x Gastly, 2x Pumpkaboo, 2x Joltik
    2x Sneasel, 1x Starly, 1x Gible
    1x Ditto, 1x Pidgey, 1x Magnemite
    1x Kricketot, 1x Ponyta (Galarian), 1x Stufful
    1x Paras, 1x Jigglypuff, 1x Wobbuffet
    1x Zigzagoon (Galarian), 1x Murkrow, 1x Taillow
    1x Minun, 1x Poochyena, 1x Woobat
    1x Spoink, 1x Wooloo, 1x Buneary
    1x Durant, 1x Lillipup, 1x Flabébé
    1x Nidoran♂, 1x Mareanie, 1x Scyther
    1x Venonat
100% IVs: 6
    1x Vulpix, 1x Spearow, 1x Shroomish
    1x Plusle, 1x Phantump, 1x Hoppip

It is a PTC (Pokemon Trainer Club) account, which is the best way when it comes to buying an account.
You can link Gmail/Facebook/Apple ID to it, or nothing if you wish!

The email address and the trainer name of the account are both changeable.
You will be able to appraise Pokemon once you choose a team (click a gym to choose one).

Upon completing your purchase, you will receive an email containing your login information automatically.

Do not expect Pokemon I didn't list here to be in the account.
(Some people expect it for some reason and end up not liking the account)

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