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Ultimate Once Human Acid Farming Guide: Locations and Methods

Once Human Acid Farming

Once Human Acid is the most sought-after resource in the whole game since you need it for things such as crafting weapons and ammo. However, it’s quite hard to get, so players can find themselves in a tough spot when they need more stacks of it. While you can passively farm this material, it can take too long if you don't actively grind it or make your setups more efficient. This guide will show players how to farm Acid more effectively.


What is Once Human Acid

Acid is a farmable resource you can get as a drop or a by-product of other processes. It's an essential material for various weapons and ammo, so if you’re very trigger-happy, you’ll need a considerable stock of Acid. This resource becomes even more critical once you unlock better guns for crafting.

How to Farm Once Human Acid

There are several ways to obtain Acid in Once Human. The most common way would be manually farming them from various enemies and mobs. The other ways are passive, allowing you to generate Acid while offline or AFK. Here is how you can quickly save up enough of this resource.

Active/Manual Acid Farming

In Once Human, players are expected to spend more time farming resources like Acid rather than waiting for them passively. You must focus on farming certain zones and monsters for this material, in order to provide the most significant yield. Acid mainly drops from zombies and other mutated beings, so you want to find an area with good density and paths you can loop.

Brookham (Level 8)

Players should start farming in Brookham as early as possible because it is the most accessible while characters are low-level. It has good mob density near the Church and Gas Station, which means multiple mobs drop Acid. The only downside is that no elite monsters are nearby, so you have limited quantity drops.

Hearst Industries (Level 11)

Hearst Industries is the next zone that we can farm at lower levels. It's not as dense as Brookham, but two elites are nearby. You need to focus on farming Gnawers and the two mutated monsters to get the optimal amount of Acid per run. You can also gain more valuable rewards besides resources because elites have a higher chance of dropping high-tier loot.

High Banks (Level 13)

High Banks is the next low-level area that you can farm. While it is not as dense as Brookham, the mobs here drop more quantities of Acid, which makes them more efficient sources. In addition, there are several creates and an elite monster in the vicinity that you can clear to make your runs more worthwhile.

Holt Town (Level 30)

Holt Town is the most optimal and efficient zone for farming Acid. You can obtain up to 300 per hour if you loop on a good route. The mob density is very high compared to Brookham, and there are so many monsters here that you’ll wish there were more elites to bother you. We advise players to map out their routes first because there are areas that won't drop Acid, like the inside of the largest building in the town.

Securement Silo – Theta (Level 45)

Theta is the only Securement Silo that you should focus on when you reach higher levels. It's the only dungeon that has the most efficient path and the only one with mobs that drop Acid. The Securement Silo has great mob density and rewards when finishing a whole run. However, we advise players to use their most vital gear to clear the attempt.

Tips for Manual Farming:

  • The first step in optimizing your runs is to determine your path. Your route will dictate how many acids you get for each loop, so you must follow the most efficient path.
  • You’ll need to ensure that you’re always at the recommended level or higher. If you’re not, then you’ll need help clearing out mobs, which means it will take longer to get the drops.
  • Players should find and unlock the Preserved Deviated Chop recipe. This food increases the drop rate and quantity of Acid, so you should pop this consumable before you start farming the zones.

Other Ways to Get Acid

There are several other ways for players to acquire Acid without directly farming it. These methods include specific specializations. Unfortunately, these memetics can only be obtained through RNG drops, so you should only consider doing these farms if you have these particular specs:

Sulfur Chemist Memetic Master Skill (Sulfur to Acid Specialization)

The Sulfur to Acid Spec allows you to convert five Sulfur + 50 Energy Link into one Acid, and since the former is more accessible to grind, you can produce the latter in larger quantities. 50 Energy Links might seem intimidating, but it's not that important in the late game, which means it's still worth using for making Acid. It's still being determined where exactly you can get it, as many mentioned that it's a random unlock. You can do this by using the Advanced Synthesis Bench.

Spoiled Food to Acid Memetic Master Skill

We have yet to determine the exact name of this mastery, as only a few people have it. However, this unlocks an ability to make Acid from Spoiled Food using unknown quantities. It's rare, so you’ll need to be super lucky to get it.

Passive Acid Farm

Passive farming isn't the fastest way to get Acid, so you should rely on something other than it. However, setting up your farm is key to ensuring you’ll keep generating this resource while offline. The key is to install as many production nodes as possible.

Water Pump Extract Farm

You must set up a base near polluted water and install filtration systems. You’ll also need to install Water Pumps to extract the contaminated liquid from the source. It would also help if you transferred all the harvested polluted liquid into water purifiers, separating each stack into water and irradiating acid.

Afterwards, put the Impure Acid into a Fermentation Barrel with Purified Water to create Acid. Most of the processes here are automated except for resource transfers. You must manually input the materials into each processor before logging out or going AFK.

Note: There is a Stardust to Acid farm, but we highly advise against it because you are better off farming the actual resource than Stardust.

Final Notes

It's always better to actively farm Acid instead of passively waiting for your production nodes to make them. Doing so will let you progress much more quickly since the more resources you have, the faster you can unlock better tech. Passive farms should only be set up when AFKing for extended periods rather than as your sole source for acid.

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