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[PC] [DISCOUNT] Any Power Armo, OUTFITS, PLANS, JUNK, FLUX, AMMO, XP (Each type is $7)(Read Description)Discounts for purchasing multiple items

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Fallout 76-PC
  • x 1 Customized

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  • Mar-12-2025 17:37:09 PM

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$ 7.00

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    • 1. Buyer creates order and send payment to PlayerAuctions
    • 2. PlayerGuardian secures payment
    • 3. Seller completes delivery within delivery guarantee
    • 4. Buyer confirm delivery
    • 5. Seller receives disbursement

    !Specify in order details item(s) name that you have chosen or send me it use PlayerAuctions chat!

    Your Choose, if you choose 2 or more items, + Units you will buy


    Power Armor   6/6  Including helmet                  

    Excavator: assassin/ap/wwr - $7
    Excavator: assassin/ap/sent - $7
    Excavator: overeater's/ap/wwr  - $7
    Excavator: overeater's/str/wwr - $7
    Excavator: unyielding/ap/sent - $7

    Predator: overeater's/ap/wwr - $7

    X-01: overeater's/ap/wwr - $7
    X-01: assassin/exolosive/wwr - $7
    X-01: unyielding/ap/sent - $7

    T-51b: unyielding/ap/sent  - $7
    T-51b: unyielding/ap/food reduced - $7
    T-51b: vanguard/ap/wwr - $7
    T-51b: assassin/ap/sent- $7
    T-51b: overeater's/ap/wwr - $7

    T-60:unyielding/ap/sent  - $7
    T-60:vanguard/ap/sent  - $7
    T-60:overeater's/ap/wwr  - $7
    T-60:overeater's/ap/food reduced  - $7

    T-45:overeater/ap/food reduced - $7
    T-45:overeater/ap/wwr - $7
    T-45:assassin/ap/wwr - $7

    Ultracite: unyielding/ap/sent - $7
    Ultracite: overeater/ap/sent  - $7
    Ultracite: assassin/ap/wwr - $7
    Ultracite: aristocratic/ap/food reduced - $7
    Ultracite: overeater/ap/wwr - $7
    Ultracite: overeater/ap/food reduced - $7
    Ultracite: chameleon/ap/wwr - $7


    40K Caps - $7

    Legendary Scrips :

    2000 Legendary Scrips(50 weapons) - $7

    2040 Legendary Scrips(85 RANDOM ARMOR 3 STAR)  - $7


    wedding ring: 20% weapon weight, +1 AP  - $7
    wedding ring: -20% food weight, +1 AP - $7
    wedding ring: Sentinel, +1 AP - $7
    wedding ring: Sneak, +1 AP - $7
    wedding ring: Cavalry, +1 AP - $7
    wedding ring: Junk Weight Reduction,+1 AP - $7
    wedding ring: -20% food weight, +1 LUCK - $7
    wedding ring: -20% weapon weight, +1 LUCK - $7
    wedding ring: Sneak, +1 LUCK - $7
    wedding ring: +1 strength | weapon weight reduce | weapon's accuracy +5%  - $7
    wedding ring: +1 endurance | weapon weight reduce | weapon's accuracy +5%  - $7
    wedding ring: +1 Strenght,Reduce falling injury by 50%  - $7

    Hunter's Long Coat : -20% weapon weight, +1 AP - $7
    Hunter's Long Coat : -20% food weight, +1 AP - $7
    Hunter's Long Coat : Sentinel, +1 AP - $7
    Hunter's Long Coat : Sneak, +1 AP - $7
    Hunter's Long Coat : -20% weapon weight, +1 LUCK - $7
    Hunter's Long Coat : -20% food weight, +1 LUCK - $7
    Hunter's Long Coat : Sentinel, +1 LUCK - $7
    Hunter's Long Coat : Sneak, +1 LUCK - $7
    Hunter's Long Coat : +1 Strenght,Reduce falling injury by 50%  - $7

    Captain's Hat: Unyielding (+2 intelligence) - $7
    Captain's Hat: Chameleon - $7
    Captain's Hat: Assassin's - $7

    Tattered Mole Head: -20% weapon weight, +1 AP - $7
    Tattered Mole Head: Sneak, +1 AP - $7
    Tattered Mole Head: -20% food weight, +1 AP - $7
    Tattered Mole Head: Sentinel, +1 AP - $7
    Tattered Mole Head: -20% weapon weight, +1 LUCK - $7
    Tattered Mole Head: -20% food weight, +1 LUCK - $7
    Tattered Mole Head: Sneak, +1 LUCK - $7
    Tattered Mole Head: Sentinel, +1 LUCK - $7

    Meat Week Apron - $7

    Presidential Power Suit - $7
    Clean Mr. Fuzzy Mascot Head + Mr. Fuzzy Mascot Suit  - $7

    Enclave Secret Operative Underarmor - $7
    Communist Commander Outfit + Communist Commander Hat x 2 - $7
    Clean spacesuit + Clean spacesuit helmet - $7
    Bomber Jacket - $7
    Tattered Field Jacket - $7
    Traveling Leather Coat [Outfit] with Backpack - $7
    Leather Coat - $7
    Hunter's Hood - $7
    Duchess's outfit - $7
    Skull Lord Blood Eagle Suit + Skull Lord Blood Eagle Helmet - $7
    Asylum Worker Uniform yellow - $7
    Asylum Worker Uniform Pink - $7
    Asylum Worker Uniform Forest - $7
    Asylum Worker Uniform Brown - $7
    Asylum Worker Uniform Green - $7
    Asylum Worker Uniform Red - $7
    Urban Scout Mask - $7
    Forest Scout Mask - $7
    Whitespring Jumpsuit - $7
    White Powder Jumpsuit - $7
    Forest Camo Jumpsuit - $7
    BOS Jumpsuit - $7
    Responder Fireman Uniform & Helmet - $7
    Fasnacht Deathclaw Mask - $7
    Fasnacht Fiend Mask - $7
    Fasnacht buffoon Mask - $7
    Fasnacht Crazy Guy Mask - $7
    Fasnacht Demon Mask - $7
    Fasnacht hag Mask - $7
    Fasnacht brahmin mask - $7
    Fasnacht Winter man mask - $7
    Fasnacht Raven mask - $7
    Fasnacht Loon Mask - $7

    JUNK and FLUX:         

    Gunpowder x 70000 - 7$
    Bundle: 34 kinds of junk each x 15000 + 5 kinds of flux each x 10000 - $7

    80000 x Junk of your Choice (Steel / Cork / Cloth / Bone / Coal / Concrete / Fiberglass / Lead/ Gears / Screws / Springs / Plastic / Nuclear Waste / Asbestos / Fertilizer / Raw Leather /Rubber / Acid / Antiseptic / Fiber optics / Oil / Ballistic Fiber / Wood / Aluminum / Ceramic / Circuits / Copper / Crystal / Silver / Ultracite Scrap / Gold / Adhesive /Black Titanium )  - $7

    Flux Bundle ( 5 x 10000) totally 50000 flux - $7


    120 000x Regular or Ultracite Ammo of your Choice (5mm / 10mm / 2mm electromagnetic catridge / gamma round / cryo cell / fusion cell / plasma catridge / fuel / .44 / .38 / .308 / .45 / .50 / 5.56mm / 10mm / shot gun amno)  - $7

    1500 Weaponized Nuka-Cola Quantum Ammo  - $7

    600 x Regular or Ultracite Plasma/Fusion Core - $7

    Treasure Maps   

    42000x Treasure Maps 6 regions : Forest/Mire/Ash/Savage/Toxic/Cranberry (7k of each)  - $7


    ALL 8 Enclave Plasma Gun Mod Bundle   

    ALL 8 contain : Aligned Flamer Barrel/Aligned Automatic Barrel/Aligned Sniper Barrel/Calibrated Capacitor/Forceful Stock/Reflex Sight/Aligned Splitter/Severe Beta Wave Tuner  - $7

    FOOD & AIDS:                                                  

    HERBIVORE XP BUNDLE (300 Leader Bobbleheads 300 Berry Mentats 300 Love 3 300 Nuka Grenades 300 Explosive Bobbleheads) - 7$
    CARNIVORE XP BUNDLE (300 Leader Bobbleheads 300 Berry Mentats 300 Backwoodsman 6 300 Nuka Grenades 300 Explosive Bobbleheads) - 7$

    Mr. Fuzzy Token x 1000  - 7$

    Nuka Grenades x 1000 - 7$
    BERRY MENTATS (+5 Intelligence) x 1500 - 7$
    Irradiated Sugar Bombs x 1500 - 7$
    Nuka-Cola Quantum x 1500 - 7$
    Nuka-Cola x 1500 - 7$

    Nuka-Cola Dark x 300 - 7$
    Canned Coffee x 1500 - 7$

    Addictol x 200 - 7$

    1000 x Bobbleheads of your Choice (leader , energy, explosive, intelligence,Strength, big guns, small guns Bobblehead) - $7

    Live & Love 3 / Live and Love 3 Magazine (increase 50% effect from brain bombs and cranberry relish) x 2000 - $7
    Live and Love 8/Live & Love 8 Magazine[+5% Exp in team] x 1000 - $7
    Guns and Bullets 3 Magazine (Ballistic Gun Crit Dmg +100%) x 1000 - $7

    Guns and Bullets 5 Magazine(Get more shards from weapons) - $7
    Guns and Bullets 9 Magazine(Plasma gun critical hit damage +100%) x 1000 - $7

    Scouts' Life 3 Magazine(Gain less hunger and thirst) - $7
    Backwoodsman 6 Magazine (+50% health from cooked food) x 1000 - $7

    Backwoodsman 4 Magazine(+50% to Gain Double Yield From Plants) x 1000 - $7

    Astoundingly Awesome Tales 10 Magazine x 1000 - $7

    Grognak the Barbarian 1 Magazine(+15% melee damage)  - $7

    Grognak the Barbarian 4 Magazine(+30% Critical Damage with Melee Weapons)
    Tesla Science 3 Magazine(Explode Radius +30) x 1000 - $7
    Tesla Science 7 Magazine (Energy Gun crit Dmg +100%) x 1000 - $7
    Tesla Science 8 Magazine (crit Dmg + 50%) x 1000 - $7
    Tesla Science 9 Magazine(Heavy Gun Crit Dmg + 100%) x 1000 - $7


    Plan: Plastiform Star - Blue, Red, Yellow [Qty x3 Bundle NEW plans]Holiday Scorched 2025 - 7$

    Plan: Plastiform Candy Cane - Blue, Red, Yellow [Qty x3 Bundle NEW plans]Holiday Scorched 2025 - 7$

    Plan: Plastiform Ornament - Blue, Red, Green [Qty x3 Bundle NEW plans]Holiday Scorched 2025 - 7$

    Unrolled Calibrated Stinging Accelerated Gatling Plasma weapon  - 7$

    Plan: Giant Red Dinosaur - 7$

    Plan: Weenie Wagon (Can produce canned meat) - 7$

    Plan: Dr. Bones - 7$

    Plan: Sacred Mothman Tome - 7$

    Plan: Pink Sprinkles Power Armor Paints - 7$

    Plan: Blue Camo Power Armor Paints - 7$

    Plan: Safari Gorilla Backpack  - 7$
    Plan: Safari Crocolossus Backpack - 7$
    Plan: Camo Backpack - 7$
    Plan: Princess Backpack - 7$
    Plan: Golf carts - 7$
    Plan: Alien Blaster - 7$
    Plan: Zenith Alien Blaster Paint - 7$
    Plan: Alien Disintegrator - 7$
    Plan: Laser Chainsaw Paint - 7$
    Plan: Laser Gun Blue Camo Paint - 7$
    Plan: Chainsaw Ghostly Grinder Paint - 7$

    Plan: The Fixer - 7$
    Plan: Bear Arm - 7$
    Plan: Vintage Water Cooler x 2 - 7$
    Recipe: Cutting Fluid - 7$
    Plan:P Recipe P - 7$
    Plan:Junkyard Fountain - 7$
    Plan:TV Aquarium - 7$
    Plan:Tunnel of Love Poster - 7$
    Plan:Ultracite Gatling Laser - 7$
    Plan:pepper shaker - 7$
    Treasure Hunter Hat + Outfit Plans - 7$
    Plan:Radioactive Barrel - 7$
    Plan:Mirror Ball - 7$
    All 6 Plan: T-51b power armor plans - 7$
    All 6 Plan: T-45 power armor plans - 7$
    All 6 Plan: T-60 power armor plans - 7$
    All 6 Plan: Ultracite Power Armor plans - 7$
    All 3 Plan Ultracite (Calibrated Shocks,Emergency Protocols,Tageting HUd Bundle) - 7$
    All 5 backpack plans - 7$
    All 19 Mutation Serum Recipes - 7$
    All 5 Plan: Shielded Lining (Bos Casual Marine Operative Raider ) - 7$


    ⭐PC ONLY! 5-30 min if I’m online
    ⭐Promise the best price in the market, if you find anyone sells cheaper than me, contact me to change the price.
    ⭐More than 16 hours online every day,when you purchase from me the only time you’ll wait is if I’m sleeping
    ⭐Use the In-Store Search Bar to find Specific Items (Weapon, Junk, Armor, Ammo, Plan)
    ⭐if u didnt find u need here,plz tell me what u need,I'll try to find it as soon as I can,while I find it I'll message u sir!

    Check our store -

    Feedback Comment From Buyer Time

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