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Enshrouded: A detailed guide on all weapon types

enshrouded weapon guide

Embervale is surrounded by monsters twisted from the Shroud into Fel and Fiend creatures. As the Flameborn, it is your duty to push back against the Shroud by destroying all the Shroud Roots and solving the mystery that plagues Embervale. Bringing the right weapon with you is crucial to braving the threats that lie beyond the fog. There are 9 different weapon classes in Enshrouded, and each has its unique strengths and weaknesses. As you progress through the game, your arsenal will get stronger, but understanding your weapon’s strengths and weaknesses will go a long way in surviving what’s to come. This guide will highlight every weapon type and how they can best serve you in different situations.

List of Weapon Types

  • Melee
    • Swords
    • Shields
    • Axes
    • Clubs
    • Hammers
  • Ranged
    • Bows
    • Throwables
  • Magic
    • Staves
    • Wands

Damage Types

Every weapon has a distribution of physical and/or elemental damage types that affect certain enemies. For physical damage, those are Cutting, Piercing, and Bludgeoning. For elemental damage, these are Poison, Fire, Ice, Shroud, and Shock. Like many RPGs, each enemy is weak to specific damage types. Obviously, Swords lean more toward cutting, Hammers for Bludgeoning, and Spears for Piercing. However, Enshrouded has many weapons that break the mold, like swords favoring bludgeoning damage or spears for cutting. If you wish to know if your weapon is effective against an enemy, the game will show if your damage is effective or resisted. Bringing multiple weapons with you is ideal to deal with different enemy types and make your weapon’s durability last longer.

Legendary weapons cover both physical and elemental types, making them highly sought-after items that can deal with any enemy regardless of their damage resistances. They also come with passive bonuses that affect certain stats like mana regeneration and base state bonuses, so keep an eye out for them when delving through dungeons.


Swords are a fairly balanced weapon with a simple moveset and good damage. They have an equal physical damage type spread, making them versatile weapons. However, their damage is usually outclassed by other types, trading it off for more speed. Swords are a great learning tool for getting to know the combat of Enshrouded..

List of swords in Enshrouded:

  • Scrappy Sword
  • Rusty Sword
  • Bronze Sword
  • Sharpened Broadsword
  • Fell Broadsword
  • Noble Sword
  • Short Sword
  • Stonewrought Sword
  • Hailscourge
  • Ice Blade
  • White Wolf Sword
  • Dawning Light
  • Wolf’s Maw
  • Nova
  • Sunbeam
  • Extinguished Sword
  • Wailing Blade
  • Fang Blade
  • Minor Arcana
  • Major Arcana


Shields are vital to mastering the dance of battle in Enshrouded. These have the important feature of deflecting and parrying certain enemies, opening more opportunities for you to play offensively. While dodging an attack is a safer option, parry blocking will cause enemies to be stunned for a few seconds and give you more time to put more damage in. Whenever you have a one-handed weapon, always pair it with a shield. With some passives on the skill tree buffing your parries, shields will make short work of higher-level enemies.

List of shields in Enshrouded:

  • Wooden Shield
  • Rising Fighter’s Shield
  • Pikemead’s Bulwark
  • Ghostly Shield


Axes swing slower than swords but deal more damage with additional armor-piercing properties. These are great against armored enemies with extra damage resistance. Axes also have a slam attack that deals AoE damage, which is effective against smaller, swarm-type enemies. They are also two-handed weapons, meaning that you will have to sacrifice the shield’s defensive capabilities for more damage and penetration. This weapon is best used when you’re more comfortable with dodging attacks.

List of axes in Enshrouded:

  • Axe
  • Executioner’s Axe
  • Bonebreaker
  • Dark Cleaver
  • Deeproot Axe
  • Enshrouded Axe
  • Fenrig’s Axe
  • Guillotine
  • Hairsplitter
  • Hatchet
  • Lightforged Axe
  • Tainted Axe
  • Jezmina’s Apotheosis
  • Lumenshade Axe
  • Lupa’s Scalper
  • Provisional Scythe
  • Sun Axe
  • Wolf Pack Axe


Clubs share the same moveset as swords, with simple horizontal strikes, but deal way more bludgeoning damage. These are a safer option than axes when dealing with armored opponents, as they can be held one-handed. Hammers on the other hand, are two-handed and still require sacrificing an off-hand weapon to deal more damage. These weapons also have a Strength stat requirement to wield, so magic builds will struggle to make use of them in the long run.

List of clubs and hammers in Enshrouded:

  • Club
  • Spiked Club
  • Enhanced Spiked Club
  • Feathered Mace
  • Club of Defiance
  • Dawning Sun Hammer
  • Dreadbane
  • Fearsome Club
  • Fleshgrinder
  • Gorestriker
  • Great Mace
  • Ignited Hammer
  • Iron Claw Club
  • Mace-like Club
  • Rotblood
  • Wooden Tooth
  • Soothsayer
  • Shroud Corrupted Hammer
  • Sun Hammer
  • Meat Chopper
  • Misfortune Mace
  • Wolf’s Hydra


No survival game is complete without a bow that can help you kite enemies easily. These weapons make for starting out a fight in your favor with long-ranged damage that can be augmented with its headshot bonus. The arrows have projectile physics, so aiming this weapon requires learning to lead your shots and compensating for the projectile drop. These are a must-have in your hotbar once you know how to dance around enemies.

List of bows in Enshrouded:

  • Bow
  • Antler Bow
  • Arsonist’s Bow
  • Banebringer
  • Brisk Bow
  • Composite Bow
  • Draconian Bow
  • Fell Commander Bow
  • Forest Longbow
  • Forsaken
  • Hunter’s Longbow
  • Ignited Longbow
  • Nightwind Longbow
  • Ornate Wood Bow
  • Pine Shortbow
  • Shadowbane
  • Spiked Bow
  • Tarred Bow
  • Traitor’s Bow
  • Wild Shortbow
  • Wolf’s Snarl


Grenades, throwing knives, etc., all comprise the throwable weapon category. These are faster than bows, which have a slow draw speed. Grenades can be used to deal with larger groups with enemies safely with their large explosive radius, which makes dealing with trash mobs in boss fights easier to manage.


Wands are a fast magical weapon that slings weak spells for little mana cost. These are a great starting weapon for mages as they can store different elemental spells within a single weapon. Wand spells have infinite charges and can be cast as often as you want as long as you have enough mana to cast them. They’re a great back-up weapon once you run out of charges for the next weapon. Intelligence scales these weapons, making them ideal for builds starting with this stat.

List of wands in Enshrouded:

  • Wand
  • Apprentice Wand
  • Blazing Wand
  • Crackling Wand
  • Cryptic Wand
  • Frozen Core Wand
  • Helix
  • Infernal Wand
  • Luminous Wand
  • Reaper’s Wand
  • Ritual Tempest Wand
  • Scorching Wand
  • Shocking Ice Wand
  • Silver Storm
  • Twisting Wand


Staves are the specialized weapons for all magic-focused builds. These contain far more powerful spells than wands but have slower cast times, reduce your movement speed when casting, and have limited charges for certain spells. They can also be used as support weapons since healing magic is available for this class. Staves take full advantage of every enemy’s elemental weaknesses, and magic users can dish out some serious damage once they know how to exploit said weaknesses. Once your spell charges run out, more of them must be crafted at the Alchemist station. Like with Wands, Intelligence will further increase spell damage, which makes pure Intelligence builds very powerful in the endgame.

List of staves in Enshrouded:

  • Staff
  • Blacked Staff
  • Gleaming Staff
  • Hopeful Glimmer
  • Shepherd’s Lightning
  • Dark Staff
  • Deceiving Staff
  • Elder’s Staff
  • Shroud Weaver
  • Spiritual Cane
  • Undergrowth Staff
  • Vaporous Staff

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