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Dungeonborne Best Cryomancer Guide and Build

Dungeonborne Best Cryomancer Guide and Build


Cryomancers in Dungeonborne do away with conventional damage spells in favor for more utility through crowd control and survivability. This class can be a powerful tool if you know how to maximize its kit and make the most of it in raids. This guide will show you how best to play the Cryomancer class and provide you with a build to help you unlock its fullest potential.

Exclusive Racial Bonuses: Undead

Since only Undead characters can play Cryomancers, there are a few racial bonuses that tie into this class.

  • Undead characters are unable to receive any healing from Priests due to their unholy nature.
  • The undead do not require mana, instead siphoning the souls of dead enemies to cast spells. Each soul consumed refills their resource bar and could even heal them at higher levels.


The Cryomancer class has two skills. The first is Ice Storm, which causes a blizzard on a targeted area, dealing damage per tick and slowing enemies caught in the storm until they freeze. The second is Ice Barrier, which covers the Cryomancer in protective ice that makes them immune to damage and regenerates their health over time. While this barrier is up, they cannot move or attack.


Since each class has a set of passive bonuses, the Cryomancer has a few that enhance their Ice Storm attacks.

  • Frostbite empowers Ice Storm, causing the initial animation to deal damage while lowering enemy movement speed.
  • Winter’s Wrath increases the Ice Storm’s AoE range.
  • Shattering Ice empowers Ice Barrier, causing it to shatter when lifted, damaging and freezing nearby enemies.
  • Soul Freeze gives the Cryomancer a small amount of soul energy when Ice Storm freezes an enemy.
  • Permafrost increases freeze duration by 2 seconds.

Best Weapons

When it comes to weaponry, Cryomancers can wield a variety of Staff weapons. The Fire and Lightning Staff are currently the only two types of Staff that a Cryomancer can wield. The Lightning Staff is the best option compared to the Fire one as it is easier to land attacks with. As for melee weapons, Cryomancers can only use a sword, which is still a good backup option in case they have no resources to cast with.

How to play Cryomancer in PvE and PvP

Much of your kit for this class revolves around controlling the pace of a fight. While this class is quite solid in PvE scenarios, it can be oppressive to fight against in PvP if you know what you’re doing. For PvE, bosses are very susceptible to Ice Storm since they are far easier to hit. This also gives you an opportunity to attack in melee should Ice Storm freeze them.

This class is best played with a team, as your core skill, Ice Barrier, can distract other players long enough for your team to sneak a hit in. This is also a great emergency tool when you are losing in a fight, as it allows you to regen health while encased in ice.

When engaging in a fight, the Ice Storm skill is best done in an enclosed room, as the spell moves forward after casting. This takes away your opponent's space while giving you a better chance at approaching them in melee or pelting them with a Lightning Staff.

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