Call of Duty Black Ops 6 gives players many challenges to complete that reward Calling Cards. You must complete these tasks to earn specific achievements and get cool rewards. Some challenges are hidden, so having this list on hand will help you achieve them more smoothly.
All Blacks Ops 6 Challenges
Challenges appear for both Multiplayer and Zombie modes. The former will have many more Dark Ops tasks than the latter, but Zombie Challenges are much easier to complete. Here are all the BO6 Challenges you can do in the game:
Multiplayer Challenges
Boot Camp
- Get 10 Kills while or shortly after Diving sideways or backwards
- Get 10 Kills while Sliding sideways or backwards
- Get 25 Kills with Melee Weapons
- Get 25 Kills while crouched or prone
- Ping an enemy that is shortly killed after 15 times
- Get ten kills using enemy weapons picked up on the ground
Elite Operator
- Win a match with the highest Score of all players 10 times
- Finish top 3 in matches with six or more players 50 times
- Earn a Coast Cleared Medal 10 times (clear the enemy objective zone of 2 or more Defenders and then capture it)
- Kill every enemy at least once in the same life 5 Times (minimum of 4 enemies)
- Win a Team Deathmatch, Free for All, or Search & Destroy match with the most Elimination and highest Elim/D ratio
- Get Featured in the Best Player 10 times
Grizzled Veteran
- Get 2,500 Eliminations
- Get 250 Headshots
- Win 50 Matches
- Earn 150 Assault Medals (Killed an enemy who is defending their obj)
- Earn 250,000 Score
- Get 150 Scorestreak Kills
- Earn 30 Double Kills Medals (2 rapid Kills)
- Earn 15 Triple Kills Medals (3 rapid Kills)
- Earn a Fury Kill Medal (4 rapid Kills) 1 time
- Get 5 Kills without dying 50 Times
- Get 10 Kills without dying 5 Times
- Get 15 Kills without dying
- Perform a Finishing Move while disguised by the Sleeper Agent Field Upgrade 5 Times
- Get 50 Kills with Stuck Semtex
- Earn 25 Turned On Medals (Killed an enemy who shot you first from outside your view)
- Get a Kills while using an enemy as a Body Shield 10 Times
- Earn 25 Afterlife Medals (Killed an enemy after you died)
- Get 100 Kills with the Combat Axe
Going Ham
- Earn a Quad Feed Medal (4 uninterrupted Kills in the Kill Feed)
- Use two or more different Weapons to earn a Triple Kill Medal (3 rapid Kills) or better 5 times
- Get 2 Kills with a single piece of Lethal Equipment 10 Times
- Kill an enemy while in Last Stand from the Morphine Injector, then get another Kill shortly after 5 Times
- Earn a Double Kill Medal (2 rapid Kills) or better against Attackers or Defenders in Objective Games 20 Times
- Earn 5 Going Ham Medals (Killed four or more enemies with a single player-controlled Scorestreak)
Dark Ops
- Earn a Frenzy Kill Medal (5 Rapid Kills)
- Earn a Mega Kill Medal (6 Rapid Kills)
- Earn an Ultra Kill Medal (7 Rapid Kills)
- Earn a Kill Chain Medal (more than 7 Rapid Kills)
- Earn a Relentless Medal (20 Kills without dying)
- Earn a Brutal Medal (25 Kills without dying)
- Earn a Nuke (30 Kills without dying)
- Earn a Nuke in F.F.A. without using Scorestreaks
- Earn a Nuke with 25 different weapons (all kills toward each Nuke must come from a single Weapon)
- Earn a Collateral Medal outside of Hardcore
- Kill an enemy with an environmental hazard
- Kill an enemy by throwing back the Frag Grenade they threw at you
- Earn a Bankshot Medal (Killed an enemy by banking the Combat Axe off a surface)
- Earn 10 Triple Kill Medals (3 rapid Kills) or better in Hardcore
- Earn 4 Ace Medals (Killed each enemy in a round of Search & Destroy, minimum four enemies)
- Get 1 Finishing Move
- Get 100,000 Eliminations
- Get a long-range Combat Axe Kill, Semtex Stick, or Drill Charge Stick
- Get 10 Kills without dying 1 time in Hardcore
- Earned Dark Matter on 33 Weapons in Multiplayer
- Kill both enemies in a Gunfight with a single shot or explosion
- Perform 7 Finishing Moves in a single match
- Kill an enemy with the direct impact of a Smoke
Zombie Challenges
Fresh Meat
- Have 3 Perks active at the same time
- With 3 Armor Plates Equipped, get 50 Eliminations
- Get 50 Eliminations using Rare or higher Weapon from the Mystery Box
- Get 50 Eliminations with Pack-a-Punched Weapons
- Get 50 Eliminations using Rare or Higher Wall Buy Weapons
- Reach Round 10 in a match and Exfil successfully
Trophy Hunter
- Get 5 Zombies Kills with a single Explosive Weapon shot 15 times
- Earn 50,000 Essence in a single match 25 times
- Get 30 Kills during the duration of a single Instant Kill Power-up
- Get 25 Alchemist Medals (Kill five or more Zombies rapidly that are affected by two or more elements)
- Start the Rampage Inducer in Round 1 and reach Round 15 without turning it off
- Kill 25 Zombies with a single use of a Trap
- Eliminate 2,500 Zombies
- Get 2,500 Critical Kills
- Survive 500 Rounds
- Get 500 Zombie Kills while Field Upgrades are active
- Get 2,500 Zombie Eliminations with Pack-a-Punched Level III Weapons
- Get 2,500 Zombie Eliminations with Wonder Weapons
- Earn 10 Antiparasitic Medals (Kill 5 Parasites without releasing the trigger)
- Use Brainrotted Vermin to Kill 10 Vermin
- Kill 5 Abominations while using Mutant Injections
- Eliminate 25 Armored Zombies after you've first destroyed their armor
- Eliminate an Amalgam after destroying five or more of its body parts 3 times
- Use a Mangler Cannon to Kill a Mangler 3 times
Kitted Out
- Kill 10 Special Zombies with Energy Mine while Insta-Kill is active
- Use 3 Legendary Gobblegums in a single match
- Get 25 Kills with Brain Rotted Elite Zombies while using the Big Game Augment
- Without using Elemental Pop, get Kills with four different Ammo Mods in a single match
- Kill three different types of Zombies with a single use of Dark Flare
- Get 25 Melee Kills on Zombies being pulled into the Kazimir Device
Aether Investigator
- Discover 25 Secret Rewards
- Reach S.A.M. Trial Mastery Targets 25 times
- Discover Intel to learn more about Weaver
- Discover Intel to learn more about Gray
- Discover Intel to learn more about Aguinaldo
- Discover Intel to learn more about Carver
Dark Ops
- Reach round 30 without getting down
- Kill 100 enemies with a single scorestreak