Monster Hunter World: Best Quality of Life Mods

Monster Hunter World’s core gameplay is expertly designed with its fun weapon mechanics and challenging monsters to beat and master. The game has improved its game design, drawing both veteran players of the older games and new players who have never played any of the Monster Hunter games. However, there are mods available developed by the community that improve the overall experience of the game without sacrificing the identity and gameplay that makes Monster Hunter World so unique. This selection of mods ensures that the game remains as vanilla as possible while polishing the rest of the systems for more time efficiency.

12. Stracker’s Loader

This mod is essential if you want to mod Monster Hunter World as this brings the necessary plugin support to allow the game to be modified with installed mods. This should be the first thing you download, as some mods will not work without this.

11. Reduce or Remove Bloom

Bloom can sometimes be a jarring effect for some people with its high intensity and could affect your PC performance. In areas like Seliana, where there’s plenty of snow along with sunlight, this effect is very pronounced. This mod lets you change the settings for the bloom effect to make the visuals clearer.

10. Descriptive Food Skills

Do you ever wonder what other effects your meals have besides the usual Attack Up or Health Boost effect? This mod will add the exact details your chosen meal will provide before you eat it, letting you plan your meal that will best suit the hunt ahead.

9. Dropped Items EFX

Items and monster parts are always found on the ground, especially after landing a heavy combo on a monster’s breakable parts. However, many players have complained that the visuals for dropped items are difficult to spot in heavy foliage. This mod increases the brightness intensity of the item drop without adding visual clutter to the screen. It’s a nice quality-of-life change that makes finding dropped parts more manageable.

8. Skippable Cutscenes

MHW’s story is fun and is recommended for new players to watch as they get familiar with the workings and characters of the game. But for players who wish to make a new character or have experienced the story already, this mod skips the cutscenes automatically so they can jump straight to the action.

7. Performance Booster and Plugin Extender

The PC port for MHW has been known to be unoptimized as it suffers from performance issues. The game has leftover code issues that tank the performance of CPUs without a Threadripper functionality and can affect its frames per second. This mod removes some of the code that causes this drop in performance but doesn't affect the gameplay in any way.

6. SmartHunter-Overlay

Improvement is always demanded as players go through the ranks from Low Rank up to Master Rank. Looking at your DPS metrics in teamplay and keeping track of buff timers aids in understanding how you can improve on your performance. The SmartHunter - Overlay mod provides some extra UI elements like monster health bars and their individual part health, as well as a DPS tracker and a numerical timer for all types of buffs.

5. Better Decoration Drop Rate

Decorations play a huge role in gaining enough power for Master ranked quests. Still, many players have complained that the drop rates seem unfair and can be time-consuming, especially when trying to get the best possible single and combo decorations. This mod balances out the drop rates so that the more sought-after decorations are likelier to drop without outright cheesing the game.

4. Colorful Reshade

Monster Hunter World’s art direction is unmatched.. The game however, looks washed out, muting the colors and making everything look a bit faded. The Colorful Reshade mod aims to make the colors brighter by putting more contrast. If you want the game to look even more astonishing, this mod will deliver.

3. Tic Rate Fix

MHW has an issue where certain framerates can cause multi-hit attacks to hit less than the intended amount, significantly affecting DPS. This mod adds a fix to this issue so that players can freely set their FPS limit without worrying about their in-game performance.

2. Endemic Quality

Some insects and fish only come out at certain times of day or weather conditions, which frustrates players to no end when trying to complete their research log. The Endemic Quality mod guarantees these rare creatures to spawn as long as their specific weather requirements are met. This makes it more fair for players who have taken the time to look for endemic life.

1. Extra NPCs in Astera and Seliana

This mod gives extra convenience for players doing Iceborne content by putting all the important vendor and service NPCs in one location. These changes can be applied to the base hub Astera for vanilla MHW and Seliana in Iceborne.